Developmental & Story Editing

Editors essentially protect your reputation with readers and publishers by making sure your book is the best it can be. Editing will ensure your writing is fluid, poignant, and grammatically correct. We work with you on story structure, pace, and help you calendar to ensure you deliver a great manuscript on deadline.

Trusting JohnEdgar.Design with your manuscript might seem like a big commitment, but so is making a book.

Every author needs it, yet self-editing a book is nearly impossible. Hiring an experienced book editor is one of the best investments to make in your writing career. 

Editors ensure your writing is fluid and poignant. Hiring JohnEdgar.Design is a fantastic way to make sure your book is polished before it’s in print.

We use highly rated programs and work with an exclusive network of editors to ensure quality. We make sure actual human eyes read and adjust your manuscript. We work authors in every genre.

Affordable book editing, optimized for the independent author

Copy Editing, Line Editing & Proofreading Package

Our initial editing service is for well-written texts that require minor to moderate corrections and editing. This service includes the following features:

Correct Typos & Spelling

Correct Grammatical Errors

Improvements to Diction

Improvements to Sentence Structure

Improvements to Flow & Clarity

Editing Service Pricing

The fee for up to 2,000 words is $75, which is our minimum fee.

2,000 – 3,999 words: $100 flat rate.

4,000 – 5,999 words: $120 flat rate.

6,000 – 9,999 words is $24 per 1000 words.

10,000 – 14,999 words is $22 per 1000 words.

15,000 – 19,999 words is $21 per 1000 words.

Any amount greater than 20,000 words is $19 per 1000 words.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation and a Personalized Quote.